Monday, December 15, 2008

How to Speed up your Mozilla Firefox

You want to do fast the web pages loading. There are different types of handlings with webpages in different types of web browsers. Here we will discuss the process to speed up the web page loading with Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Making the easy changes you can save your browsing time 4X.

You have to follow the easy steps demonstrated below:

To speed up Mozilla Firefox:

  • 1. Go to Start Menu and open Mozilla Firefox.

  • 2. In the address bar type about:config and press Enter.

  • 2. In the Filter search bar type network.http.pipe (Filter Search bar will be on top).

  • 3. Change the value of network.http.pipelining string to true double clicking on it. In case of using a proxy, do the same.

  • 4. Change the integer value of network.http.pipelining.maxrequests string to 35 by double clicking on it.

  • 5. Anywhere on the Configuration screen right click and select from the right click menu New -> Boolean.

  • 6. Put the Boolean name as browser.turbo.enabled and click Ok. Set the value of the Boolean to true.